
Telling the Story of America

Historical and cultural parks often remind us of what Abraham Lincoln called our ‘better angels.’ Many of these places also bear witness to our painful moments as a nation.

Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site
Martin Luther King Jr. National Historical Park
Belmont Paul Women’s Equality National Monument
Nearly half of U.S. national park sites are primarily historical or cultural in their mission   places where people can be immersed in the locations where history happened. Currently, too few Americans visit many of these parks or even know they exist. We want to change that. 

With your support, we will expand efforts to commemorate the people, places, and events that are at the core of our nation’s history.

Telling stories that reflect the rich diversity of our country

Together, the National Park Foundation and our partners are committed to telling the full story of America in ways that point us forward with hope and promise.

Frederick Douglass National Historic Site
Antietam National Battlefield

Here’s how you can tell the story of America

Revealing the Untold Stories

We will support the National Park Service’s efforts to ensure that our national parks preserve and reflect the diverse experiences, people, and communities of America that are central to who we are as a nation.
By investing in a range of special initiatives—such as research, education, and innovative interpretation—you will help ensure that current and future generations discover and learn in ways that bring our nation’s history to life.

Celebrating Our Democracy

Our national parks include historical sites and battlefields that commemorate the seminal moments in our nation’s history. These parks remind us of the individuals who fought to secure our democracy and unite our people and the places where these conflicts occurred.
Your support will help expand efforts to preserve these special places, acquire additional historic sites, and amplify the stories that mark the still unfolding narrative of America.

Impact Highlights

Uncovering New Stories and Perspectives
Uncovering New Stories and Perspectives

Parks are living museums that highlight significant moments and stories that shaped our nation.

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Preserving the Till Legacy
Preserving the Till Legacy

NPF collaborated with partners to help designate two sites in Mississippi and one in Chicago.

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More Inclusive Storytelling
More Inclusive Storytelling

A cohort of grantees will develop more comprehensive interpretation at parks.

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Community Designed Public Art
Community Designed Public Art

Renovation of an important civil rights site inspires a community’s creativity.

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Partnering With Tribes to Tell a Deeper Story
Partnering with Tribes to Tell a Deeper Story

Working with NPS and the Cheyenne and Arapaho people to memorialize the events of the Sand Creek Massacre.

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"National parks are America’s treasures. It is up to each of us to protect these places and the stories they reveal for generations that follow."

"Your partnership will bring about transformative change as we address the urgent challenges facing our parks today."


Chuck Sams
19th Director
National Park Service